Our Home Learning Adventure

I truly believe that learning starts at birth and continues until the end. It is the most natural human endeavor, like love. In fact the two are so closely entwined! Freedom to explore and play, allowance to self-direct, and a wealth of exposure to all the wonders, minutae, and even ugliness of real life are what continue to nurture the drive and passion to learn that children are born with. What a joy it is to observe, participate and learn anew along with them!

Saturday, March 20, 2010

Kindergarten In The Fall

Well, I'm in the process of mourning the fact that my super smart little self-directed wonder boy will be attending Kindergarten next September.  What a change that's going to be.  I'm sad about it, he's sad about it, but I am trying to help him look on the bright side, that as with everything new we try, it will be a learning experience, a chance for him to explore in new ways, with new people.  He's become very verbal about how he learns and opinions about different ways of learning and how he'd like to use his time, and he's quite sure he won't like school. He may be wrong.

How has this happened?  Well, as Daniel says, similarly about his swim classes, "It's not for me, but for my dad, it makes him happy, it's what he wants.  He doesn't understand home schooling."  Daniel has also said, "It's ok mum, we can still home school after school."  And he's right!  I know that whatever comes our way, whatever we meet, we will work with.  I'm hoping at least to guide him in learning that, to be flexible and work within the restrictions life throws us.


... said...

LOTS of homeschooling still to do after school / weekends :) !
Have fun learning wherever you go, whatever you do.

lifeisbeautiful said...

Thanks ...said..., I appreciate it.